Boca Nosara, otherwise known as Nosara rivermouth is where the inland river meets the open ocean. The brackish mix of salt of fresh and salt water is home to a multitude of marine life and is a huge draw for local and visiting fishermen hoping to reel in a tasty snook to put on the table. It’s a spot where many local families gather on weekends to fish, relax, spend time with loved ones and generally enjoy the area’s rustic seclusion and stunning natural splendor. Boca Nosara is the start point for stand up paddlers, kayakers, and boat trippers who wish to explore the jungle mangroves, and experience a true up-close and personal interaction with the incredible wildlife of the Guanacaste jungle.
If you’re the kind of person looking for relaxation, a spectacular natural ambiance, and a true taste of Costa Rican culture then a visit to the Boca Nosara rivermouth is a must-do.