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Explore Nosara at your own pace, just make sure to enjoy the ride!

Either if you’re looking to rent a car so you can move around and visit other beaches and towns, or if you’re just looking for something for short distances, there are several options you’ll want to check out

How to move around in Nosara

The first thing you notice when you arrive at Nosara is that everything is spread out and surrounded by jungle. For this reason, people usually prefer to have their own transportation.

The roads are very rough and during the dry season they get dusty so a SUV is ideal, but many people prefer to ride a motorcycle, an ATV or a golf cart. There’s plenty of places where you can get a rental car, ATV or golf cart, specially in Guiones Downtown and North Guiones.

If you’re staying in Playa Guiones, and plan to be close to the center of the town, you can also rent a bike to move around. There’s also the option to call a tuk tuk, small cars used as taxis, which is a fun and unique way to travel. Check our listing of tuk tuks in Nosara .

If you travel on a budget or want to get the feel of a Costa Rican beach town, you can take the bus to move from Nosara to Pelada, Guiones, Garza or Nicoya. You just need to get to the main road and wait near the marked bus stops, but be aware that sometimes the bus can be a little bit early or late. Keep in mind that the bus leaves from Nosara town and it is 15 to 20 minutes from Playa Guiones and a couple of hours from Nicoya. Check Traroc ’s web page to be sure if there’s any change in the schedule.

From Nosara to Nicoya the bus leaves at: 5:00am (except Sunday), 6:00am, 7am, 12pm, 3:30pm.

From Nicoya to Nosara the bus leaves at: 4:45am (except Sunday), 10am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm.

How do you move around in Nosara? Let us know if you have any question or if there’s been any change.

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Limo Dan

This is a transportation service which provides our guests the posibility of getting around and exploring Nosara.  Book Airport Transfer
Downtown Guiones, Costa Rica